Monday, August 24, 2009

Thiruvananthapuram, Monday 24 August 2009: Meira Kumar, Lok Sabha Speaker here on Sunday in KPMS CONFERENCE

Thiruvananthapuram, Monday 24 August 2009: Meira Kumar, Lok Sabha Speaker here on Sunday called for removal of ill effects of casteism in the country by providing proper education to the deprived castes in the society.
Inaugurating the 38th state conference of Kerala Pulayar Mahasabha, an organisation representing a prominent Scheduled Castes in the state here, she said the approach of mixing social reservation with economic reservation should be avoided.
Divisions were still common in the country between castes and sub-castes while in other nations divisions were between the rich and the poor, she said.
All political parties in the country were united in supporting the cause of Scheduled Castes and Tribes, she said.The UPA government had extended all support, including quotas, to the backward sections, she added.

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